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Togi's YouTube Downloader V2
I am operating this downloader in "Emergency Mode" - it works for now in a limited fashion. Rate limits may happen and downloads may not work properly.
I am working on an update to fix this as youtube has updated their restrictions globally and on my Server IP address. Most other downloaders are experiencing this issue as well.
Until I am able to get this update out things may be weird and faulty. You will soon have the option to login to youtube via Oauth 2 to reliably downlaod videos.
- Aiden
NOTICE: Videos will take awhile to download if they are high
Currently the server is low-end, however if this site sees
more usage i will upgrade it.
Wait times for videos with higher than 1080p30 quality will be
Video length does not matter as much.
In the future there will be quality options per video. Right now default is highest.
Daily Download Wipe Timer :