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Aiden C. Desjarlais
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About Me
I'm Aiden C. Desjarlais, a computer enthusiast and
in the UnityEngine and
NodeJS. I've been programming in NodeJS since late 2020, and in the UnityEngine since 2022.
Currently attending Red River College for Game Programming.
Born and raised in Winnipeg
MB, Canada. I was born July 27th 2006.
Since I was young, I've been interested in computers. My father (Who
in his time was also a programmer) taught me some valuable lessons about computers as a kid.
Growing up I was always the guy who teachers, friends and students would call for help if a computer had
problems. I was faster then the IT guy, and most of the time I fixed said problems. This was during
elementary, and middle school. I would literally be called down to a class to help out.
When COVID hit, I was very bored, as was many. That was when I learnt how to program, and it all started
with something called Discord Bot
Maker (DBM). DBM is what could be considered as visual block coding. It's
to help people create custom bots on a chat/video program called Discord. This is where I created my
ever program. This is a bit more complicated than your average block coding, as
has many diffrent capabilities. Your not just adding up 1+1, your awaiting a message, joining a
channel, playing music, sending updates, and much more.
Couple months later, I wanted to have full control of my bot. And so I learnt NodeJS, which after awhile
lead me
down the trail of learning full-stack web development.
For a year or so I did freelancing online,
making a couple bucks for some basic websites.
Thats how I began programming. 2 years later, I'd learn about Unity, and C#, all from a program within
my school, over the span of 2 years.
I have moved my focus to game development as of writing this, as
it has many more open doors for a career, than web development would. I have also received recognition
from local news companys, and students within the city for my game development, and it inspires me to
continue this
into the long run of my life.
I have since opened my own small indie studio, "Togi Studios" we are
working on our first title, set for early access release on Ocotober 21st 2025. We have over 1K+
wishlists on steam, and a small community on Discord.
To learn more about my studio, or our title, go to scpfacility.com
Nowadays, I make games, and host servers for people, and make music (Togi Tunes). Currently I have a couple of high value
clients. I host web
servers and game servers, on my home server. Usually for online content creators.
I have 2 servers racked, (see server specs) Exodius and Proletris,
Exodius being
the powerhouse server, for games.
Proletris is the web server, your on it right now! as this website is hosted on it.
People may remember my old portfolio, which I refer to as the "Wordpress Portfolio", as it was made in
This new portfolio, is not! I have created this website ground up, in pure vanilla HTML, CSS, &
But thats my story, and about me, so far. And im sure theres much more of it yet to be told.
- Aiden Desjarlais